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Long term partnership

A history of positive collaboration



The Supply Chain division of WFP has long been supporting the BNGRC over several years with support from various donors such as ECHO, USAID and GFFO, and contributed with trainings, coordination, equipment and service provision. The objective of the country capacity project is to ensure that the various efforts reinforces capacities in a manner that provides sustainable change, which can be measured objectively.


Innovative Design

The Country Capacity Strengthening project is based on a Capacity Needs Assessment, and a Theory of Change which consists of five pathways. The model and methodology aims to ensure that the project considers relevant factors in the individual, organizational and enabling environment that will allow for lasting capacity strengthening.



For the Country Strategic Plan period 2019 - 2024 the vision is that the government through the BNGRC has the capacity to respond to any emergencies within 72 hours. This will be achieved through a system of pre-positioning of food and emergency items, and strengthened coordination mechanisms



The vision is that by 2030 the BNGRC will have absorbed all WFP’s Supply Chain capabilities making WFP Supply Chain absolete

Theory of Change

Methodology for planning, participation, and evaluation to promote social change. Theory of Change defines long-term goals and then maps backward to identify necessary preconditions

Capacity Outcome Statement & Capacity Needs Mapping

In order to define the overall strategy, we agreed with our partner the following Capacity Outcome Statements (COS1 & COS2)
Capacity Needs Mapping:
Facilitates multi-stakeholder and multi-partner dialogue along the five pathways to systematically highlight existing capacity assets, gaps and stakeholder priorities and desired actions

Country Strategic Plan and Strategic Objective 5

Government and humanitarian partners in Madagascar are supported by effective emergency preparedness and response arrangements before, during and after crises


Supply Chain efforts with the BNGRC to implement sustainable activities